Oscar Predictions 2016: Who Will Win, Who Could Win, and Who Should Win


This award season, the race couldn’t be more complicated.

While a few of the categories seem pretty easy to predict (sixth times a charm, right Leo!?), Best Picture is still very up in the air. Right now, its basically a three-way race between Spotlight, The Revenant, and The Big Short. Each film has a major guild win (Spotlight with a SAG, The Revenant with a DGA, and The Big Short with a PGA), so it’s a pretty tight competition.  Continue reading

Top Chef Recap: Banannaise

This week in Top Chef we picked up right where we left off: still disagreeing over the whole potato disaster…

Phillip was attempting to convince the other chefs that his decision was valid to cook the potatoes with a “gummy” texture. However, the other chefs were not so convinced. Kwame was the only voice of reason when he told the chefs this could go on and on and on. Continue reading

Escaping From ‘Room’

Emma Donoghue’s novel Room became a best selling hit shortly after hitting the shelves. The story, told from the perspective of 5 year-old Jack, paints a vivid picture of the unknown nightmare he is living.

The next step for Donoghue? To capture in this captivating story and find a way to bring the story to life on the big screen. And that she did.  Continue reading