Diving Into ‘Spotlight’


Source: Open Road Films

Once and while a film like Spotlight comes around and captures the audience purely based on the story alone. Spotlight has no bloodshed, no special effects, or CGI. The film simply relies on the screenplay and the performances alone. And let me tell you, it works.  Continue reading

8 Movies You Must See This November

It’s november.

giphyNovember means Thanksgiving, a whole lotta football, but most importantly, MOVIES. We are now one month closer to the Oscar, which means movies are slowly starting those Oscar campaigns. November brings a mix of feel good holidays movies, along with some major franchise hits. Check out what’s good this coming month. Continue reading

Benedict Cumberbatch vs. The Enigma Code: The Imitation Game

Secrets, secrets, and more secrets are one way to explain The Imitation Game. Alan Turing was the man responsible for one of the first computers. Turing unfortunately was not granted the fame and recognition he deserved. His amazing discoveries and mechanical advances were kept as part of a top secret mission during World War II. His story is shared in the film, The Imitation Game. Benedict Cumberbatch and Kiera Knightly star in this World War II biopic doing a wonderful job to capture the over-emotional and high strung situations in The Imitation Game.

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The Best and Worst of The Golden Globes 2015

Unless you were living under a rock, you know that the Golden Globes took place last night. The biggest stars in film and television gathered to see who would win the prestigious awards. The awards were hosted by the oh so fabulous and hysterical Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. The awards definitely had its share of twist and turns, but it also had its predictable moments. Let’s take a look at the best and worst moments from last night. Continue reading

Angelina Jolie’s Award Dreams Remain (Un)Broken

Louis Zamperini had quite the life. And no, not really one that I am jealous of. Zamperini was a famous Olympic runner who was drafted to fight during World War II. During his deployment he survived a plane crash, only to be stranded in the Pacific Ocean for 47 days. But wait, it did not stop there. He is found by the Japanese and taken to a POW camp. His story is shared in the film, Unbroken, out in theaters now.  Continue reading